

Two Time Winner!!


Oh, my gosh, Film Sleepy Inc made StartupNation's Top Ten Slacker Friendly businesses for the second year in a row. With our second feature, Sublime Crime: A Subliminal Mystery, on the way, that is quite a breakthrough for movies that put the audience to sleep.

And a sure sign that we will end sleep deprivation in our time.

Remembering Cast Member Elwood Carlisle

How sad to learn of the death of Elwood Carlisle, who played a webcam obsessed fan in Elwood started acting at 74, as he told me in this interview a couple of years ago. He was an amazing person and large enough on screen and in life to deserve the title, "Elwood Carlisle Superstar!," the name of the 2006 movie about his life.


More Folks Seek Sleep Through Movies


Doryn's Dish posted info about how effective Film Sleepys are with getting viewers to sleep. The blog gives "The Scoop on Anything and Everything Useful," proving once again that is more than just mindless (or any kind, really, of) entertainment.