

Vote for Film Sleepy as Most Slacker Friendly Company

This video of the Squidoo logo superimposed over the first scene from was made for a contest where the winners get included in a Squidoo commercial. We may have already lost that one, but you can still visit the Film Sleepy lens at for more information on making (and sleeping through) movies.

Even more exciting, Film Sleepy Inc is at this very moment tied for tenth place in the StartupNation top home based businesses the Most Slacker Friendly division. It wasn't exciting enough that I remembered entering till they reminded me. But now I'm thrilled, because the top ten in each category get...something, I'm sure. And it's reassuring to find that slacker based businesses are taking their rightful place beside the nerveracking ones.

Best of all, you can show your support for sleeping, and slackers in general, by voting for Film Sleepy once a day at Click on Slacker Friendly at the top and then look for Film Sleepy at the bottom of page 2.