LA Times Endorses
Yes, it's right in Susan King's Screening Room column this morning, the very last item...and you know everybody always saves the best for last.
I think they didn't run a fullblown article on the front page because it might put movies that keep the audience awake out of business in a single weekend (like the panic that would ensue if the truth about the space alien conspiracy got out). Plus, the paper's ad revenues would plummet during the transition to movies that put the audience to sleep, so things worked out for the best.
"Ever fall asleep at the movies? Well, sleep and even snoring are encouraged during ',' described as the 'most boring talkie ever made,' which has its free world premiere Saturday evening at the Grounded CyberCafe in Sherman Oaks." Subtle, but a solid testimonial to the Film Sleepy genre.
You can read about the other, non-most boring talkies in the column at,0,7896795.story
Have YOU Made Your Reservations?
This could be YOU happily yawning through another wonderful movie from Film Sleepy Inc, if you get in on the free world premiere screening of at Grounded CyberCafe in Sherman Oaks CA on Saturday July 28 at 8:15pm!
We wouldn't be listed on the front page of the Cultural Events in Los Angeles site if we weren't really cultured, now would we?