

Movie Music v Wrap Party Music

Wrap party music is often a raucous spur of the moment thing, dependent on what instruments guests have brought, as Kellan, Kayo and Matt demonstrate above. Movie music, on the other hand, must be subtle and enhance the story (or lack thereof) rather than overpower it. At first I did not intend to have any music, thinking it would keep the audience awake. Then I remembered the power of lullabies to lull (of course!) the listener to sleep. Now if the audience wakes up in the middle, it will not be long before they are lulled (get the significance?) once again.

See how much you've learned already? Be sure to come back for more moviemaking tips you can only find here.


At 16:59, Blogger Unknown said...

Amy, you're not progressing at all. You posted this same problem in your last comment. All I can tell you is getting together a blog is like making a movie that puts people to sleep. You just do it. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but sometimes that's the only way to truly help.

At 10:50, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad to see you back, Blah, now that you've stopped making claims about thoroughly reading this site, as you did in your comment on my 5 Biggest Mistakes of First Time Filmmakers post. I applaud you for taking the time to actually read the posts and comments by other faithful readers who, like yourself, want to learn from masters such as me.

At 09:26, Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome, Hoki and Mazz, are you guys twins? You think so much alike.


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