

High Carbs at the Wrap Party

Patience did not consider herself much of a dancer, so taking on the role of tap dancing student in was quite a challenge, which she met so well that I'm afraid that she (and fellow dance student Patt) may keep the audience awake when the movie is finally finished. And, as you can see in this high carb wrap party moment with Robert (at his most suave), she came to enjoy dancing more than she'd thought possible.


At 21:26, Blogger Unknown said...

Not to be picky or anything, you're a trouper and you've been very supportive and all, but you keep saying you're going to bookmark my blog and it never quite seems to happen. What gives? Are you going to bookmark this blog or not?

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At 09:19, Blogger Unknown said...

"I'll save it in my favorites." Kind of like "I'm definitely going to bookmark you," right? Sometimes I wonder if you guys are as dedicated to movies that put the audience to sleep as you make out to be.

At 22:35, Blogger Unknown said...

Here, Paula, the only tap dancing news blog on the web last time I looked. We've just broadened our perspective a bit to include movies that put the audience to sleep.

At 09:21, Blogger Unknown said...

Teams are helpful, funpirates, but nobody's going to start--and dare I say finish--a movie that puts people to sleep for you. Personal initiative is what I teach all those who come to me for advice and stay awake long enough to hear it.


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